Type in month number and press Enter to display data. Press Ins to enter data for current day. Then press F2 to go ahead with month_to_date figures. 2'acc_rec' This will add a new Other Income Record. By pressing Enter you have already inputted the ID No (from the "bogus Master Record") and the Enc No. Now input Date; Dr (F5); Where (OFF/HOS); ROA (dollar amount); Description; and Detail (if longer description is needed). 8'adfrmhlp' Accounts Receivable First of Month . . . Ins to Enter Enter to Change Del to Delete Remember: When doing FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH on the DAILY Accounts Receivable Control, the Previous Day A/R is the same as First of Month A/R. 3'arfom' Enter the month number to display data. Highlight record for current date; Press Enter to update. Enter month_to_date figures shown at bottom of screen. You are only allowed to enter today's figures. You can not edit entries from prior dates; this would destroy the accounting audit trail. Save and Press F7 to print (printer and diskfile). 4'ar_mtd' Type in the month number to display data. Press Ins to enter data for current day. Then press F7 to print (printer and diskfile). +'cshcntrl' You are about to Change or Delete an Other Income Record. Are you sure this is what you want to do? 2'edfrmhlp' Follow this sequence when closing out at the end of the day. . . - Extract today's records from the database. Records for today will be copied to a temporary file from where the Daily Log Report wil be created. Patient records can NOT be modified in this temporary file. If there is an error in a patient record, e.g. a wrong payment amount entered, you will need to go back to the main database and correct the error. Then return to the finance module and repeat the process of extracting today's records. - Do the Daily Log Report(s). There are several different report formats. You may select any or all of these. Display the report to screen and then list to printer with Ctrl-L. You should also save a copy of your reports to diskfile. These diskfiles will be named MM_DD_YY.LG? where "?" is a character to identify a particular report. - Do the Accounts Receivable routine and print report to diskfile and to printer. Dot Matrix printers will print the report on a half page, allowing the Cash Control report to print on the lower half. Laser Printers will print each report on a separate sheet. - Do the Cash Control routine. Print to diskfile and to printer. You're done! Go home and relax. D'mainmen' This is a table of Other Income records: INS - Add a new Other Income record ENTER - Change an existing Other Income record DEL - Delete an Other Income record Other Income records usually involve group payments that are not associated with one particular patient account. 0'orevhlp' This will allow entry of Other Income into the practice. Other Income refers to revenue not associated with a specific patient account. Most often, this will involve a group payment related to many different patients. Examples might include HMO capitation payments, return of risk pool payments, or insurance rebates. Before entering Other Income, you should have a "bogus Master Record" containing an ID No and the "OREV" account type. Refer to the written documentation for further information. 2'qorhlp' These special reports are designed to assist in the financial analysis of your practice. Each menu item when selected displays a specific help screen. The data generated by these reports may be entered into a spreadsheet for compilation or further analysis. Have Fun! 1'rptshlp' Type your data into the appropriate fields. For the Payment and ROA fields, the values for today's date are displayed on the right. 0'updcsh' Enter Today's Date and the Previous Day's A/R. IMPORTANT: When entering the FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH, "Previous Day A/R" is the same as "First of Month A/R". Enter Charges, Payments, ROA, & Adjustments for today. These figures are taken from the Daily Log Report which you already have completed. You may also be required to enter an Other Income value. If so, the required entry will be flashing on the screen. 7'updr' ACC_REC ADFRMHLP> ARFOM , AR_MTD CSHCNTRL2 EDFRMHLP` MAINMEN C OREVHLP QORHLP RPTSHLP UPDCSH UPDR